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Search page documentation

Learn all about the Search Page, Data Filters, and what each row and column means.

Rad Basta avatar
Written by Rad Basta
Updated over a week ago


Link Stats

The first part of the Search page presents the current statistics of links by status of the entire Base account in relation to the filters selected below.

DATA Filters

The next section is the search filters (DATA Filters) through which the list of results in the link table is narrowed.

Filters can be related to the domain, to the link itself, to additional custom fields or other :

  • Date range : range in which the links were made - Link Date (Link info)

  • Expires At - for each link it is possible to add a date until which the link will be live (if the link was purchased for a certain time)

  • Domain Rating : if we want to filter sites from to a certain domain rating

  • Organic Traffic : if we want to filter sites from and/or to certain organic traffic

  • Spam : if we want to filter sites from to a certain spam factor

  • Category : link category (Domain info)

  • Type : type of link (Link info)

  • User : who created the link

  • Client : which client is the link for. If this filter is used, it is not possible to use the "Unclaimed for client" filter (Link info)

  • Unclaimed for client : filters links on whose domains a link for the selected client has never been created and where the domain for the selected client is not found in the opps. Can be used in conjunction with the Client filter to show links that were used for client A but not for client B.

  • Link Health : health status confirmed link - Live with Target and Dofollow, Live with Target and Nofollow/Noindex, Dead or without Target

  • Location : the location for which the link was created - global or specific country (Domain info)

  • Quality : link quality (Link info)

  • Status : link status - Opportunity (OP), Requested (RE), Pending (PE), Confirmed (CO) (Link info)

  • Acquisition : paid (if the price is higher than 0) or free link (Link info)

  • Client range : whether reporting for the client is done on a monthly or semi-monthly basis

  • Approved : whether the link is approved or not by the client or admin (or is approved at the account level)

  • Reported : whether the link was sent to the report for that reporting period of the client or not - Reported, Not reported.

  • Paused : is the link paused for reporting in the specified period - Paused, Unpaused

  • Flagged : is the confirmed link flagged for wrong health status - Flagged for wrong health status

  • Clients' status : whether the client is active or archived

  • custom fields will be displayed below (number, checkbox and dropdown list custom field filters will be displayed)

Search Field

The number of results for the performed search is displayed at the beginning of the row . The maximum number of results is 1500 (and when there are more links in the database that correspond to the search).

Filters button to open and close all the filter options listed above.

"about" button gives the option to turn on or off the columns in the table of results (links). Custom fields will also appear here, if they have been added.

The Search field filters results according to link titles (title), tags (tags) and the url itself (url). One, two or all three options can be selected and this determines which columns of data will be searched for the entered term. If there are Short text custom fields on the account, they will also appear here and search and filtering of this Short text field will be enabled via Search.

If only the "url" filter is on, then the search is performed according to the prefix principle, ie only results where the link starts with the entered prefix are displayed. In all cases, http://, https:// and www do not affect the search.

Next dropdown Show which determines the number of results per page.

And finally, the number of pages of results and the possibility of Jump with which one can go directly to a specific page.

Table with results

Row colors

  • If the row in the table has a light red background, it means that that link is in some process (either a health check is being done or an edit of the link's data has been submitted) and it cannot be edited, nor can a health check be started for it. If you try to edit a link colored like this, you will see the following message:

  • Blue links indicate the first link for that client on that domain


  • The first column is for select (the options that are obtained when selecting one or more links will be explained below)

  • A column of sequence numbers of links for a specific search

  • The ID column shows the unique ID of each link for each different client

  • reported not reported - only admins have this option. By clicking on the report, the admin approves the live link (when the status is confirmed) and automatically transfers it to the report (report in Reportz if the account is connected to Base). After this, it is not possible to edit/delete the link by the user.

  • edit - by clicking on edit, you go to the edit link page, where you can edit data related to the link in accordance with the user role

  • by clicking on the "three dots" we get new options:

  • delete - delete the selected link for a specific client

  • flag - Clicking on the flag indicates a link that did not pass the health check, but should have. It is mandatory to mark (flag) the link in this case, so that one of the admins could manually edit and change it.

  • pause - only admins have this option. By clicking on pause, the admin marks the links that he will not submit for the client in this reporting period, that is, until he unpauses it.

  • comment - by clicking on comment, all user comments for the link domain are obtained

  • Next is the column indicating the health status of the link

  • Link is not confirmed yet (Blue)

  • Live with Target and Dofollow, index (Green)

  • Live with Target and Nofollow/Noindex (Yellow)

  • Dead or without Target (Red)


  • Link column

  • By clicking on the arrow, all information about the link is displayed (if the user has the right to do so)

  • Clicking on the link itself opens it in a new tab

  • Client column - shows for whom the link is created or was created. Clicking on the client's name takes you to the client's page in a new tab with all the data, statistics and links created for him.

  • The Quality column shows the quality link, and it is also used to change the quality, which can only be done by admins and team leaders for their team members.

  • Price column - shows how much a link on a specific domain is paid, in the appropriate currency

  • The date column shows the date entered when entering the link. When the link is switched to reported, it changes to the date it was reported, but it is still editable through the edit link.

  • The Expires at column shows the date until which the link will be live (if the link was purchased for a certain period of time)

  • ST status column - Opportunity (OP), Requested (RE), Pending (PE), Confirmed (CO)

  • DR - domain rating, data is pulled from Ahrefs

  • OT - organic traffic, data is pulled from Ahrefs

  • Spam column - shows figures from Base Spam settings

  • The Targets column shows the target on the given link (anchor text and landing page to which the link leads)

  • User column - who created the link

  • custom fields will be displayed below . If the Short text field contains a longer text, it will be clipped, but the entire text can be seen by triple clicking on the text (selecting the entire cell) and pasting.

Selection of links

After selecting one or more links on the Search page, the following options open:

  • Download CSV to download selected links in CSV format

  • Health Recheck checks the status of the selected links again (uses checks from the Subscription package)

  • Add to OPPS works only when the "unclaimed for client" filter is active and 1 - 100 links are selected (for admins, this number limit does not apply). Unique domains of the selected links are added to the user's oppove for the client selected in unclaimed for.

  • Report selected is used to mark the links that enter the report for the client. If Base is connected to Reportz, all reported characters appear in the corresponding report (dashboard). If Reportz is not connected, the reported links can be filtered through the Search page.

  • Delete selected to delete selected links

  • Select Others selects all results. If there are more than 100 results, they will not be selected (this limitation does not apply to admins).

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