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Written by Rad Basta
Updated over a week ago


Link Stats

Definition: This feature displays the current statistics of links by status across the entire Base account, adjusted according to the filters selected. It provides a comprehensive overview of the links' performance and status, such as live, dead, dofollow, or nofollow.

This tool is essential for monitoring and managing the health and status of links, ensuring they contribute positively to SEO and digital marketing objectives.

The first part of the Search page presents the current statistics of links by status of the entire Base account in relation to the filters selected below.

DATA Filters

Definition: These filters allow users to refine the list of results in the link table based on various criteria. Filters include date range, domain rating, organic traffic, spam factor, link category, type, user, client, link health, location, quality, status, acquisition, client range, approval, reported status, and more. They enable precise data segmentation and analysis, enhancing the ability to draw meaningful insights from link data.

The next section is the search filters (DATA Filters) through which the list of results in the link table is narrowed.

Filters can be related to the domain, to the link itself, to additional custom fields or other:

  • Date range : range in which the links were made - Link Date (Link info)

  • Expires At - for each link it is possible to add a date until which the link will be live (if the link was purchased for a certain time)

  • Domain Rating : if we want to filter sites from to a certain domain rating

  • Organic Traffic : if we want to filter sites from and/or to certain organic traffic

  • Spam : if we want to filter sites from to a certain spam factor

  • Category : link category (Domain info)

  • Type : type of link (Link info)

  • User : who created the link

  • Client : which client is the link for. If this filter is used, it is not possible to use the "Unclaimed for client" filter (Link info)

  • Unclaimed for client : filters links on whose domains a link for the selected client has never been created and where the domain for the selected client is not found in the opps. Can be used in conjunction with the Client filter to show links that were used for client A but not for client B.

  • Link Health : health status confirmed link - Live with Target and Dofollow, Live with Target and Nofollow/Noindex, Dead or without Target

  • Location : the location for which the link was created - global or specific country (Domain info)

  • Quality : link quality (Link info)

  • Status : link status - Opportunity (OP), Requested (RE), Pending (PE), Confirmed (CO) (Link info)

  • Acquisition : paid (if the price is higher than 0) or free link (Link info)

  • Client range : whether reporting for the client is done on a monthly or semi-monthly basis

  • Approved : whether the link is approved or not by the client or admin (or is approved at the account level)

  • Reported : whether the link was sent to the report for that reporting period of the client or not - Reported, Not reported.

  • Paused : is the link paused for reporting in the specified period - Paused, Unpaused

  • Flagged : is the confirmed link flagged for wrong health status - Flagged for wrong health status

  • Clients' status : whether the client is active or archived

  • custom fields will be displayed below (number, checkbox and dropdown list custom field filters will be displayed)

Search Field

Definition: This field enables the filtering of results based on link titles, tags, and URLs. It determines which columns of data are searched for the entered term. Additionally, it includes options for filtering by short text custom fields, enhancing the search capability within the platform.

The number of results for the performed search is displayed at the beginning of the row. The maximum number of results is 1500 (and when there are more links in the database that correspond to the search).

Filters button to open and close all the filter options listed above.

"about" button gives the option to turn on or off the columns in the table of results (links). Custom fields will also appear here, if they have been added.

The Search field filters results according to link titles (title), tags (tags) and the url itself (url). One, two or all three options can be selected and this determines which columns of data will be searched for the entered term. If there are Short text custom fields on the account, they will also appear here and search and filtering of this Short text field will be enabled via Search.

If only the "url" filter is on, then the search is performed according to the prefix principle, ie only results where the link starts with the entered prefix are displayed.

In all cases, http://, https:// and www do not affect the search.

Next dropdown Show which determines the number of results per page.

And finally, the number of pages of results and the possibility of Jump with which one can go directly to a specific page.

Table with results

Selecting the link: Allows users to download a CSV of selected links, recheck health status, add to opportunities, report, delete, or select other results.

Row colors

Row colors: Indicate the status of links.

Light red and Blue links

Columns: Include various data points such as link ID, reported status, edit options, health status, client information, quality, price, expiration date, and more.

Selection of links: Allows users to download a CSV of selected links, recheck health status, add to opportunities, report, delete, or select other results.

  • If the row in the table has a light red background, it means that that link is in some process (either a health check is being done or an edit of the link's data has been submitted) and it cannot be edited, nor can a health check be started for it. If you try to edit a link colored like this, you will see the following message:

  • Blue links indicate the first link for that client on that domain


Include various data points such as link ID, reported status, edit options, health status, client information, quality, price, expiration date, and more.

  • The first column is for select (the options that are obtained when selecting one or more links will be explained below)

  • A column of sequence numbers of links for a specific search

  • The ID column shows the unique ID of each link for each different client

  • reported not reported - only admins have this option. By clicking on the report, the admin approves the live link (when the status is confirmed) and automatically transfers it to the report (report in Reportz if the account is connected to Base). After this, it is not possible to edit/delete the link by the user.

  • edit - by clicking on edit, you go to the edit link page, where you can edit data related to the link in accordance with the user role

  • by clicking on the "three dots" we get new options:

  • delete - delete the selected link for a specific client

  • flag - Clicking on the flag indicates a link that did not pass the health check, but should have. It is mandatory to mark (flag) the link in this case, so that one of the admins could manually edit and change it.

  • pause - only admins have this option. By clicking on pause, the admin marks the links that he will not submit for the client in this reporting period, that is, until he unpauses it.

  • comment - by clicking on comment, all user comments for the link domain are obtained

  • Next is the column indicating the health status of the link

  • Link is not confirmed yet (Blue)

  • Live with Target and Dofollow, index (Green)

  • Live with Target and Nofollow/Noindex (Yellow)

  • Dead or without Target (Red)


  • Link column

  • By clicking on the arrow, all information about the link is displayed (if the user has the right to do so)

  • Clicking on the link itself opens it in a new tab

  • Client column - shows for whom the link is created or was created. Clicking on the client's name takes you to the client's page in a new tab with all the data, statistics and links created for him.

  • The Quality column shows the quality link, and it is also used to change the quality, which can only be done by admins and team leaders for their team members.

  • Price column - shows how much a link on a specific domain is paid, in the appropriate currency

  • The date column shows the date entered when entering the link. When the link is switched to reported, it changes to the date it was reported, but it is still editable through the edit link.

  • The Expires at column shows the date until which the link will be live (if the link was purchased for a certain period of time)

  • ST status column - Opportunity (OP), Requested (RE), Pending (PE), Confirmed (CO)

  • DR - domain rating, data is pulled from Ahrefs

  • OT - organic traffic, data is pulled from Ahrefs

  • Spam column - shows figures from Base Spam settings

  • The Targets column shows the target on the given link (anchor text and landing page to which the link leads)

  • User column - who created the link

  • custom fields will be displayed below. If the Short text field contains a longer text, it will be clipped, but the entire text can be seen by triple clicking on the text (selecting the entire cell) and pasting.

Selection of links

Definition: Allows users to download a CSV of selected links, recheck health status, add to opportunities, report, delete, or select other results.

After selecting one or more links on the Search page, the following options open:

  • Download CSV to download selected links in CSV format

  • Health Recheck checks the status of the selected links again (uses checks from the Subscription package)

  • Add to OPPS works only when the "unclaimed for client" filter is active and 1 - 100 links are selected (for admins, this number limit does not apply). Unique domains of the selected links are added to the user's oppove for the client selected in unclaimed for.

  • Report selected is used to mark the links that enter the report for the client. If Base is connected to Reportz, all reported characters appear in the corresponding report (dashboard). If Reportz is not connected, the reported links can be filtered through the Search page.

  • Delete selected to delete selected links

  • Select Others selects all results. If there are more than 100 results, they will not be selected (this limitation does not apply to admins).

Add link

Definition: This process involves adding a new link to the system, either manually or via CSV upload. It's crucial for expanding the database of links and tracking new opportunities or confirmed links.

NOTE: the link cannot be saved/added if a live link or opp with the same domain and from the same group of link types has already been added for the selected client.

Group type

Categorizes links based on their acquisition method or purpose, like editorial links, guest posts, sponsorships, infographics, content promotion, local citations, and more. This classification aids in organizing and managing links more effectively.

  • editorial link - guest post, submission, pr, editorial link

  • submission - guest post, submission, pr, editorial link

  • guest post - guest post, submission, pr, editorial link

  • pr - guest post, submission, pr, editorial link

  • sponsorship partnership - sponsorship partnership

  • infographic promotion - infographic promotion

  • content promotion - content promotion

  • local citation - local citation

  • resource page - resource page

  • republishing - republishing

  • link insert - link insert

  • scholarship - scholarship

  • giveaway - giveaway

  • bookmark - bookmark

  • profiles - profiles

  • forum - forum

Also, all links added as opp's will be saved only as domains without any subpages that may be added as part of the link (if something needs to be emphasized at a particular opp, it can be written in the "Notes" field).

Upload links (CSV)

Upload Links (CSV): Enables bulk import of links using a CSV file format. It requires specific mandatory and optional columns for detailed link information, streamlining the process of adding multiple links simultaneously.

Via CSV, links can be imported in any status, where the CSV file should be in the format example.csv (image below).

Mandatory columns are marked with an asterisk "*" in the text.

  • In the first column, you need to add the client - Client* (without https:// or www). Before uploading links, the client must be added to Base!

  • The Link* column must contain the full URL.

  • The date in the date column must be in the date format 'YYYY-MM-DD' (2016-12-30).

  • Pay attention to Category* because the category must be entered and must correspond to one of the existing categories from the Add link form:​

Default Categories:

Note: you can add categories here, and you can remove categories by merging them here















real estate















social media






















  • The tag column is optional and can be used for additional link segmentation. Multiple tags can be separated with a comma.

  • If the link is paid, you should enter the amount paid in the Price column. If the link is free, leave the field empty.

  • In the next column, Currency, next to the paid links, enter the currency eur, usd, gbp, aud.

  • Specify the type of link in the Type* column.

Link Types:

Edit, add or remove them on this page:




infographic promotion

link insert


content promotion



editorial links



local citation

guest post

resource page


  • The location of the website where the link is located can be entered in the Location column.

  • Contact name and contact email can be filled with the data of the person who is the contact for the specified domain.

  • The Note column can contain any additional information for the given link.

  • Status* it is necessary to enter one of the following statuses:

    • opportunity

    • requested

    • pending

    • confirmed

Note: if a user who is not an admin enters confirmed status, it will automatically be transferred to opp.

  • User column because the links will be attributed to whoever is doing the import. Admin can enter link for anyone, user only for himself.

  • Quality - can only be added by admins. Numbers from 1-5 are entered for link quality.

  • If the admin has added custom fields to the account, they can also be added via the csv table. It is necessary to copy/paste the field names as column names, and then add the corresponding data by column for the specified links.

If the field is Numeric, enter a number (pay attention to whether there is a min/max limit), short text field - enter text up to 255 characters, Dropdown list - enter one of the custom predefined options, Checkbox (true/false) here for True value enters 1 and for False 0.


It is not possible to import blacklisted links (except admin), invalid links, links for clients not assigned to you, as well as links for clients on hold.

In cases where the link is on a subdomain of a domain, it is necessary to enter the entire subdomain as opp (blogspot, wordpress cases), so that we do not get a message for a specific client that the link already exists for that domain.

Manual link insert

Definition: Involves adding individual links manually, filling in necessary information like link and domain data, and custom fields if any. It provides flexibility for adding links that may not be part of a bulk import.

In the second segment of the Add links page, there is a section where individual links can be added.

It is necessary to fill in all mandatory fields marked with an asterisk "*".

Explanations for all fields are identical to the above.

In the first part, fill in the data related to the link itself (picture above).

In the second part, fill in the data related to the domain (image below).

These fields will be prefilled if the link domain already exists in the database (automatically after entering the url). If the data exists, it can only be edited by the admin (category and location, the other two can be edited by anyone).

In case Custom fields have been added to the account, those fields will be found between the Link and Domain information segments. If one of the custom fields is mandatory, it will be marked with "*".

A mandatory step is to click on the Add link button, in order to save the link/s.

Edit link

Definition: Allows modification of link details according to user roles, including manual health checks for confirmed links. This feature is essential for keeping link information up-to-date and accurate.

On the edit link page, which looks almost the same as the Add link page, it is possible to change the details of the link according to the user role (restrictions).

On the edit link page, there is also an option for Manual health check when the link is confirmed, where admins, in case of inadequate health of the link, can manually add status, attributes, as well as add target and anchor.

Link Opps / Opportunities

Definition: A form and search table for managing link opportunities, with rules and restrictions on adding new opportunities.

This tool is crucial for identifying and tracking potential link-building opportunities.

The upper part is a form for adding links (it works like a CSV upload, with the fact that the links are preselected for the client that is selected below the text box, a mandatory field).

It is important to emphasize that links added through this form will not have assigned tags, categories, etc. which needs to be added later.

Below is the same search table as from the SEARCH page, with the pre-set filter for users and status so that only the links of logged-in users with opportunity status are displayed.

When entering opps, it is important to know that it is not possible to add an opp if:

  • on that domain there is already a live link for that client in the same type group (see the Type group section above)

  • has someone already put that domain in opp in the same group of types for the selected client

  • is that domain blacklisted (besides the admin, he can also import blacklisted sites)

Note: you can see info about whether the opp was successfully added or not at Reports > Link imports, but the plan is to display it through in-app notifications at some point).


Definition: Comprises features like link imports and health reports, offering an overview of all link import activities and health check results. This section is vital for monitoring and analyzing the overall performance and status of links.

Link Imports

Definition: Displays a list of all link imports, providing details on successful and failed imports. This feature is key for tracking the import history and understanding the success rate of link additions.

This page shows a list of all imports (CSV upload and opps import).

Clicking on File name will display info about imported links and a list of links that were not imported, and for what reason (image below).

Health Reports

Definition: Shows all automatic and manual health checks conducted on links, including who performed them and the results. This section is essential for monitoring the health status of links over time.

All automatic and manual health checks can be seen on this page. You can see who did the health check, when, how many checks were used and whether there were any changes in the health of the link.

By clicking on the Report ID (opens in a new tab), you can see information about the links where there was a change in health.

Dynamics of automatic health checks

Definition: Describes the schedule of automatic health checks conducted on links, including daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly checks. Understanding this schedule is important for anticipating when links will be checked and ensuring their continued health.

  • Daily - all links entered in the previous 7 days are checked

  • Weekly - on Mondays; all links entered from the previous 7 - 30 days are checked

  • Monthly - 3rd of the month; links entered in the previous 1 - 6 months are checked

  • Quarterly - links entered in the previous 6 - 18 months are checked

  • Yearly - links older than 18 months are checked

  • For all links that were live, dofollow, and now dead, do another HC

Status History

Definition: Accessible by admins and clients to check the status history of links. This feature provides a historical view of a link's status changes, offering insights into its performance over time.

This page can only be accessed by admins and clients and is used to check the status of links.

Additional Stats

Definition: Offers a graphical representation of the status of links over the last 30 days or a selected period. This visual tool aids in quickly understanding trends and patterns in link statuses.

By clicking on Additional Stats, you can see the graph for the last 30 days, the status of links by day (image below). If the period is changed through the Date range filter, the chart will change accordingly.

Status DATA Filters

Definition: Filters used to narrow down the list of results in the link table based on criteria like archive date range, link date, expiration, client, and link status. These filters are crucial for drilling down into specific link data segments.

Clicking on the Filters button opens the search filters (DATA Filters), which narrow the list of results in the table of links below:

  • Archive date range - dates when entries were made in that database (each link is entered every time its status changes)

  • Date range - a link date filter, because one link can have the same link date for multiple statuses

  • Expires at - when the purchased link expires for a certain period of time

  • Client - one or more clients

  • Link status


Definition: This section is for managing users, including adding new users, editing existing users, and assigning roles and teams. Effective user management is key to ensuring that the right people have access to the right tools and information.


Involves the management of user accounts, including role assignments and team affiliations. This feature is crucial for maintaining an organized user structure within the platform.

On this page it is possible to add new users. It is enough to enter the email * of the person, select the role -u* (the limitations of each role will be explained below) and eventually choose the team to which the user will belong (see the creation of teams in the Team section ).

The second part is a table, a list of all users on the account where you can see the name, email, role, team, when the user was added, as well as options for edit, archiving, restore and act as.

Clicking on edit

opens the Edit user page where it is possible to change all data (from the image below), as well as available columns (visible on search pages) and filters.

What is set at the user level has a higher priority than what is set at the role level. However, if roles are updated at the company (account) level, it will reset the settings at the user level.

By archiving,

we temporarily (or permanently) remove the user from the account and free up space for a new one, according to the selected subscription package.

Immediately after archiving, the Restore option appears,

with which we can reactivate a specific user if necessary (if there are free seats according to the selected subscription package).

The last option Act as

is only available to admins. By clicking on it, the admin enters the account of the specific user and everything he does, he does as that user.

User roles

Specifies the access and limitations of different user roles like Admin, Team Leader, User, Freelancer, and Client. Understanding and correctly assigning these roles is vital for effective platform management.

Admin has access to all options on the account.

Team Leader - does not have access to Status history within Reports. There is no access to account settings (Spam, Blacklist, Merge, Role settings, Integrations, Subscription). Also, the options report, edit, pause, delete, approve link on the search page, as well as download csv, are not available. The team leader can edit and delete his and his team's links that have not been reported.

On the Add link page, it cannot add Quality for the link (when creating the link, it can be updated later). Can't see link details on search pages.

In the upper right menu, he can access the Team settings pages, where he can edit his team (name, users and clients), as well as Team work, where he can open and view the details of the links of all his team members and rate the links of all team members.

User does not have access to Status history within Reports. There is no access to account settings (Spam, Blacklist, Merge, Role settings, Integrations, Subscription). Also, the options report, pause, approve link on the search page, as well as download csv, are not available. He can edit and delete his unreported ones.

Can't add Quality for link on Add link page. He cannot see link details on search pages (he can for all links of his team's clients).

Can't add confirmed status to link only on creation. Can update the link to confirmed status.

Freelancer does not see the Search page.

There is no access to Status history within Reports. There is no access to account settings (Spam, Blacklist, Merge, Role settings, Integrations, Subscription).

Can't add Quality for link on Add link page.

Can't add confirmed status to link only on creation. Can update the link to confirmed status.

The options report, pause, approve link on the opps page are not available to him. He can edit and delete his unreported ones.

The client sees only the Search page with results for the domain/s belonging to it. For them, the approval option is available in the table, he can also see Health and other columns, without the ability to see the details of the link, to change the quality or status.

He can see the Status History table for his links.

He has access to his profile with the ability to change his name, email and password.

Does not have access to the Chrome extension.


Allows for the creation and management of teams, assigning users and clients to specific teams. This feature facilitates better organization and collaboration within the platform.

In the first part of the Teams page, it is possible to create a new team.

  • Team name

  • Users - add all users who will belong to the new team (a user can belong to only one team)

  • Clients - add all clients for whom the new team will work

In the second part of the page, there are the names of the teams that are on the account (only admin can see this). If a team leader is logged in, he sees the team he belongs to.

Clicking on the team name opens the team page (in a new tab) with a search table that has a predefined filter for team users:

Clicking on edit in the table opens the team edit page (picture below).

By clicking on delete next to the name of the user or client, one or the other is removed from the team (it is not deleted).

For Team Leaders only

The team leader has the right to:

  • Team Work - open and view link details of all members of your team, to edit links, to rate the quality of links of all team members

  • Team Settings - to edit your team, to remove or add new team members (users who are not currently in any team), as well as to remove or add clients for whom the team will work.

Note : Team settings and Team work cannot be in the navigation for a team leader who is not in any team.


A feature for managing agencies, including adding, editing, and assigning clients to agencies. It is essential for agencies to manage their client portfolios within the platform effectively.

On this page, you can add new agencies, as well as edit and delete existing ones (only the name can be edited).

The table shows how many active and inactive clients each agency has.

Through the Clients interface, the client is assigned to a specific agency.


Definition: Involves the management of client accounts, including adding new clients, setting reporting ranges, and assigning agencies and teams. This section is vital for keeping track of all client information and link-building activities.

Note: it is necessary to make a distinction between the client role (user) and the client domain for which the links are made. Clients are described in this segment, and client roles are described in the User roles segment (above).

In the first part of the Clients page, it is possible to add a new client.

Mandatory fields are Client website/domain* and Reporting range* (monthly or mid-monthly).

It is possible to assign Agency, Category, and Teams to the client, as well as whether links to the client will be approved or not by default.

Link's approval - everything is approved by default, and on the edit client page, you can set that future links for that client are not approved by default. In that case, the client (or admin) must approve the link in order for it to become confirmed.

The second part of the page is a table of clients, with columns to which agencies and categories they belong (if they are assigned to them), as well as the option to edit and delete.

The edit page looks the same as the part for adding a client, all options can be changed, and you must click on the Update client button.

Base Chrome Extension

Definition: An extension that facilitates the addition of links and management of opportunities directly from the browser. This tool enhances the ease and efficiency of using

Everyone (except the Client role) can install on their Chrome browser from the Chrome web store.

After that, it will appear in the browser toolbar and the user needs to log in (in a new window) with his Base credentials and click on the green Authorize button.

OPPS tab

A part of the Chrome Extension for managing opportunities, including adding new opps and checking domain status. This feature streamlines the process of identifying and managing link opportunities.

1. Open the desired site in a new tab.

2. It is necessary to first select the client for which you want to add an opp or to check availability and metrics.

3. Select the link type.

4. Select a category

5. If there are required custom fields on the account, they will also be seen here, and it will be necessary to fill them with appropriate data.

5. After that, under DOMAIN STATUS, you get the following info:

OPP - is the opp already taken on that site for the selected client

BLACKLISTED - is the site blacklisted

HAS CO LINKS - is there already a confirmed link

6. Domain rating, organic traffic and spam rating metrics can be obtained by clicking the button below DOMAIN INFO

5. By clicking the Add to Opps button, you add the selected site to your opps for the selected client.


Definition: Another feature of the Chrome Extension, allowing users to view and manage links associated with a specific domain. This tool is crucial for quick access to and management of domain-specific links.

Through this tab, you can get all your links that are not confirmed and are located on the given domain (input field).

Any URL/domain can be entered in the input field, and it is prefilled with the URL of the site you are on when opening the extension.

Clicking ' Get Data ' pulls and lists your links from the given domain for all clients, next to which there are buttons OP | RE | PE | CO through which you can update the status of the link.

My Work

Definition: A dashboard showing the user's progress chart, link statistics, and available actions based on their role. This personal dashboard is key for users to track their own performance and tasks.

By clicking on My Work in the menu, the page above is obtained.

Stats user link:

User's Progress Chart:

As well as a table with user links and all available options, columns and filters that user role has.

Profile settings

Definition: Where users can update their personal information like name, email, and password. Keeping this information up-to-date is important for maintaining secure and accurate user profiles.

On this page it is possible to change data: name, email, password. The role can only be changed by admin.


Definition: Admin-exclusive settings for managing the overall account configuration. This section is essential for admins to control and customize the platform settings.

By clicking on Settings (which can only be seen by admins) in the upper right menu, we get the following options:


Definition: Details about the different subscription packages offered by Base, including features and limits for each package. Understanding these options is important for choosing the right package for the user's needs.

At the very top of the page can be seen in order:

  • how much time is left until the next payment

  • how many links are used on the account

  • how many active users there are on the account

  • how many health checks were used*

Subscription for Base works on a monthly or annual basis. By clicking on the toggle, it is possible to decide on one or another level of payment.

There are four packages:

  • Free $0 - includes 500 added links (of any status), 4,000 health checks* and 3 users on the account

  • Starter $59 - includes 3,000 added links (of any status), 25,000 health checks* and 10 users on the account

  • Pro $159 - includes 8,000 added links (of any status), 65,000 health checks* and 25 users on the account

  • Enterprise $300 - includes 15,000 added links (of any status), 120,000 health checks* and 50 users on the account

*Health checks include automatic and manual link health checks. These checks are performed automatically according to the schedule described in the Dynamics of Automatic Health Checks segment. A manual health check can be done when the wrong health of a specific link is determined.

Only in the case of the Enterprise package, it is possible to purchase add-ons, namely:

  • Users $5 - for each additional user over 50, which is included with the enterprise package

  • Booster Packs $19 - additional 1,000 links and 10,000 health checks

Current price shows how much is currently being paid for a Base account.

New price is informative and shows what the price would be in accordance with the selected package and addons.


Definition: A feature for adding domains to a blacklist to prevent links from appearing on them. This tool is crucial for maintaining the quality and relevance of link-building efforts.

On the Blacklist page, it is possible to add all the domains on which we do not want links to appear.

Domains for the blacklist can be added via the CSV table or through the form on the page. If multiple domains are added through the form, it is necessary to separate them with a new line, a space or a comma.

Invalid domains will not be saved.


Definition: A page for setting spam factors and corresponding values at the account level. This feature is important for managing the risk of spam and ensuring the quality of links.

The spam page serves if the admin wants to set different spam factors by importance and corresponding values at the account level.

The factors for which it is possible to set importance and values in Base are:

  • Spammy TLD

  • External Links in Website Navigation

  • High Number of Ad Blocks

  • Absence of Contact Page

  • Domain Contains Numbers

  • Domain Contains Hyphens

  • Domain Name Length

  • No Social Media Profiles

  • Number of External Homepage Links

  • Cloaked Links

  • Referring Pages VS Referring Domains

  • Domain Social Shares Number

  • Domain Indexation

  • Spam Anchor Texts on Homepage

  • Ahrefs DR < VALUE

  • Ahrefs Organic Traffic < VALUE

  • Sponsored Content

Importance is determined on a scale of 0-5, where 0 is the least important and 5 the most important when determining Spam on the account.

values (Values) that can be edited as desired, as well as fixed (immutable).

When all factors are adjusted according to importance and values, it is necessary to click on the Update spam button at the bottom of the page.

Role settings

Definition: Admin-specific settings to determine the visibility of columns and filters for different user roles. This feature is key for customizing the user experience and ensuring that users have access to the necessary information.

Only admins can see the role settings page. Using it, it is possible to set columns and filters that will be visible to different user roles: team leaders, users, freelancers and clients.

This setting applies to all search pages accessed by non-admins (search, opps, user page, client page, team page)

This same setting also exists on the edit user pages. What is set at the user level has a higher priority than what is set at the role level.

However, updating company-level role settings will reset user-level settings. For example, if only the columns for the team lead role are updated on the company role settings, then only the columns for those users who are team leads will be overwritten.


Displays available integrations for the Base account, such as with Ahrefs for additional link metrics. This section is vital for enhancing the platform's capabilities through external data sources.

The Integrations page displays all integrations with which it is possible to connect a Base account. Right now it's just Ahrefs. After authorization of the Ahrefs account, additional metrics for links (domain rating, organic traffic...) are displayed in Base.

Custom Fields

Definition: Allows admins to add up to five custom fields for further use in filtering and viewing links. This feature provides flexibility and customization in managing link data.

Within the Custom Fields tab, it is possible to add additional fields (maximum 5) that can be further used for filtering and viewing links.

These fields may be required. In that case, when adding or editing a link, it is necessary to fill in this field.

Custom fields must have unique names.

Note: Mandatory custom fields will also appear in the Base extension, in order to add links with all necessary data. After adding the custom field, it is necessary to log out of the extension, and then log in again.

There are four types of custom fields available:

  • Dropdown list - this type of field implies that the admin makes predefined options (selection), from which link builders will choose one for a given link. It is possible to add up to 300 different options. Options must also have unique names. A new option is added by clicking on “+” or by entering.

  • Checkbox (true/false) - this custom field represents a checkbox that can be checked or left unchecked. When a field is checked, it has a True value that can be assigned a custom name. If left unchecked, the field has a False value, which can also be given an appropriate name.

If this type of custom field is added and if the bulk links are added via CSV, it is necessary to enter 1 for True value and 0 for False.

  • Number - this custom field has a numeric value. It is possible to set the minimum and maximum value that a given link can have. If there is no such limitation, it is sufficient to leave Min. and Max value fields are empty.

  • Short text - this option allows you to add custom text fields, which can contain a maximum of 255 characters.

Custom fields are visible in link tables, in search filters (all types except Short text, which can be searched via the search field above the link table).

The visibility of the custom field can also be limited according to the user role - visibility in the search table columns, as well as the visibility of the custom field filter.


Definition: Enables merging of clients or tags, consolidating links under selected existing clients or tags. This operation is irreversible and is crucial for maintaining a clean and organized database.

Merge clients: Allows merging of one or more clients into a selected existing client, transferring all their links to the selected client.

Merge tags: Deletes all tags from the "Tags to merge" field and replaces them with a tag from the "Tag into which to merge" field, automatically assigning it to all links of the previous tag.

Merge clients allow one or more clients to be merged into a selected existing client. This feature deletes all clients from the Clients to merge field and attaches all their links to the client from the Client into which to merge field. This operation is irreversible.

Merge tags deletes all tags from the Tags to merge field and replaces them with a tag from the Tag into which to merge field, which is automatically assigned to all links of the previous tag. This operation is irreversible.


Directs users to a database of help texts and support resources. This section is essential for providing users with guidance and assistance in using the platform.

Help in the lower left menu leads to the database of Help texts on Intercom.

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