On this page, you are able to add new users to your account. All you need to do is:
Add the email address of the user
Assign a role (Admin, Team Leader, User, Freelancer or Client)
Choose the team to which the user belongs to (optional)
Once you create a user, you will see them on the list below. You will also be able to see their role, team, the date they were added, as well as edit, archive, restore and act as options. Please note that this tab is available to the Admin of the account only.
By clicking on Edit, you are able to edit the user’s profile info - Name, Email, Role and Password.
By clicking on Archive, you are essentially pausing a user - it is not deleted, and you are able to restore it at any time. This feature is also useful if you want to free up the spot for another user.
The Restore button will appear once you archive a user, and wish to reactivate their account. Note that you are only able to do this if you have enough free spaces (in accordance to your subscription plan).
Lastly, the Act as button gives you the option to log in as a certain user.
Now, let’s go over different User roles.
The Admin role has access to every feature in Base.
The Admin is also the only role which has the option to upload an existing database of links via a .CSV upload. For more information, read Uploading Links to Base.
2. Team Leader
Add new links via Add link, Opps tabs and Google Chrome extension
Access the Team Work tab - view and rate the link details of their team members and rate them
Access Team Settings - edit their team (name, add/remove users and clients)
Flag links for incorrect health status
Rate quality of a link
Edit and delete their links which are not reported (and their team members’)
Change the status of a link
Add domain comments
Access to Link Imports and Health reports tabs
Access My work tab
Team leader does not have access to Status History in the Reports tab, nor to account settings (Spam, Blacklist, Merge, Role settings, Integrations, Subscription). They also do not have the option to report, edit, pause, delete, approve links, see the link details or download CSV on the Search page.
3. User
Add new links via Add link, Opps tabs and Google Chrome extension
Edit and delete their links which are not reported
Add domain comments
Access to Link Imports and Health reports tabs
Access My work tab
Users can not access Status history in Reports tab, nor account settings (Spam, Blacklist, Merge, Role settings, Integrations, Subscription). They also do not have the option to report, edit, pause, delete, approve links, see the link details or download CSV on the Search page. Lastly, they are not able to set the status of a link to Confirmed (CO) once they are creating it. It can only be updated to the Confirmed status from the Search page.
4. Freelancer
Add new links via Add link, Opps tabs and Google Chrome extension
Add domain comments
Edit and delete their links which are not reported
Access to Link Imports and Health reports tabs
My work tab
Freelancer does not have access to the Search page. They can not access Status history in Reports tab, nor account settings (Spam, Blacklist, Merge, Role settings, Integrations, Subscription). They can not add link quality, nor set the status of a link to Confirmed (CO) once they are creating it. It can only be updated to the Confirmed status from the Search page. They also do not have the option to report, pause, approve links on the Opps page.
5. Client
Only has the option to view the Search page, with the results for domains which are assigned to them. For these domains, they can approve links, as well as see their health status and other columns. They can also see the Status History for their links. As for profile settings, they are able to change their name, email and password.
They are not able to change the quality or the status of the link, nor can they see the link details.