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Glossary of Terms and Definitions of main segments and options you can find in

Rad Basta avatar
Written by Rad Basta
Updated over a week ago

For the full documentation with print screens and explanations, please visit:

  • 100 Newly Added/Confirmed Links (Monthly) definition

"100 Newly Added/Confirmed Links (Monthly)" is a metric that counts the number of links created or confirmed for a client or yourself each month.

These are often links in guest post articles.

Once a link is added, begins to monitor it to ensure its status and health remain unchanged. This is important because about 5% of new links are removed within the first 30 days. For more details, see Link Building Health Research.

Note that this metric does not include other link types, such as potential leads (OPPS) or links yet to be published (PENDING).

  • Newly Created or Published Backlink definition

"Newly Created or Published Backlink" is a link recently added to another website that leads back to your site. These are made through activities like guest blogging.

Once the link is live on the internet, it helps direct traffic to your site and improve search engine rankings. Newly created or published backlinks are key for SEO.

  • 100 Manual Checks (Monthly) definition

"100 Manual Checks (Monthly)": This is a measure of how many times a user can manually verify the status of their links each month in The platform regularly crawls built links to ensure they are "doFollow and Alive". If a change is detected, a notification is sent to the user for possible action.

Sometimes, the crawler might encounter issues like a temporary 500 error or excessive page redirects, leading to a false negative where a link is mistakenly marked as deleted. In such cases, users can select the affected link and click the "HEALTH RECHECK" button, prompting the crawler to reassess the link and automatically update its status if it is indeed active and doFollow.

Additionally, manual checks are useful for verifying the status of links before reporting to a client. This preemptive check helps ensure all links are functional, thereby avoiding potential misunderstandings or issues with the client.

Definitions for the terms from the "Full Documentation"

1. Search

  • Link Stats: This feature displays the current statistics of links by status across the entire Base account, adjusted according to the filters selected. It provides a comprehensive overview of the links' performance and status, such as live, dead, dofollow, or nofollow. This tool is essential for monitoring and managing the health and status of links, ensuring they contribute positively to SEO and digital marketing objectives.

  • DATA Filters: These filters allow users to refine the list of results in the link table based on various criteria. Filters include date range, domain rating, organic traffic, spam factor, link category, type, user, client, link health, location, quality, status, acquisition, client range, approval, reported status, and more. They enable precise data segmentation and analysis, enhancing the ability to draw meaningful insights from link data.

  • Search Field: This field enables the filtering of results based on link titles, tags, and URLs. It determines which columns of data are searched for the entered term. Additionally, it includes options for filtering by short text custom fields, enhancing the search capability within the platform.

  • Table with Results:

    • Row colors: Indicate the status of links.
      Light red background means a link is undergoing a process like a health check or data edit.
      Blue links indicate the first link for a client on a domain.

    • Columns: Include various data points such as link ID, reported status, edit options, health status, client information, quality, price, expiration date, and more.

    • Selection of links: Allows users to download a CSV of selected links, recheck health status, add to opportunities, report, delete, or select other results.

2. Add link

This process involves adding a new link to the system, either manually or via CSV upload. It's crucial for expanding the database of links and tracking new opportunities or confirmed links.

  • Group type: Categorizes links based on their acquisition method or purpose, like editorial links, guest posts, sponsorships, infographics, content promotion, local citations, and more. This classification aids in organizing and managing links more effectively.

  • Upload links (CSV): Upload Links (CSV): Enables bulk import of links using a CSV file format. It requires specific mandatory and optional columns for detailed link information, streamlining the process of adding multiple links simultaneously.

  • Manual link insert: Involves adding individual links manually, filling in necessary information like link and domain data, and custom fields if any. It provides flexibility for adding links that may not be part of a bulk import.

3. Edit link

Allows modification of link details according to user roles, including manual health checks for confirmed links. This feature is essential for keeping link information up to date and accurate.

4. Link Opps / Opportunities

A form and search table for managing link opportunities, with rules and restrictions on adding new opportunities. This tool is crucial for identifying and tracking potential link-building opportunities.

5. Reports

Comprises features like link imports and health reports, offering an overview of all link import activities and health check results. This section is vital for monitoring and analyzing the overall performance and status of links.

  • Link Imports: Displays a list of all link imports, providing details on successful and failed imports. This feature is key for tracking the import history and understanding the success rate of link additions.

  • Health Reports: Shows all automatic and manual health checks conducted on links, including who performed them and the results. This section is essential for monitoring the health status of links over time.

    Dynamics of automatic health checks: Describes the schedule of automatic health checks conducted on links, including daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly checks. Understanding this schedule is important for anticipating when links will be checked and ensuring their continued health.

    Status History: Accessible by admins and clients to check the status history of links. This feature provides a historical view of a link's status changes, offering insights into its performance over time.

    Additional Stats: Offers a graphical representation of the status of links over the last 30 days or a selected period. This visual tool aids in quickly understanding trends and patterns in link statuses.

    Status DATA Filters: Filters used to narrow down the list of results in the link table based on criteria like archive date range, link date, expiration, client, and link status. These filters are crucial for drilling down into specific link data segments.

    6. Organization

This section is for managing users, including adding new users, editing existing users, and assigning roles and teams. Effective user management is key to ensuring that the right people have access to the right tools and information.

  • Users: Involves the management of user accounts, including role assignments and team affiliations. This feature is crucial for maintaining an organized user structure within the platform.

  • User Roles: Specifies the access and limitations of different user roles like Admin, Team Leader, User, Freelancer, and Client. Understanding and correctly assigning these roles is vital for effective platform management.

  • Teams: Allows for the creation and management of teams, assigning users and clients to specific teams. This feature facilitates better organization and collaboration within the platform.

  • Agencies: A feature for managing agencies, including adding, editing, and assigning clients to agencies. It is essential for agencies to manage their client portfolios within the platform effectively.

  • Clients: Involves the management of client accounts, including adding new clients, setting reporting ranges, and assigning agencies and teams. This section is vital for keeping track of all client information and link-building activities.

7. Base Chrome Extension

An extension that facilitates the addition of links and management of opportunities directly from the browser. This tool enhances the ease and efficiency of using

  • OPPS Tab: A part of the Chrome Extension for managing opportunities, including adding new opps and checking domain status. This feature streamlines the process of identifying and managing link opportunities.

  • LINKS Tab: Another feature of the Chrome Extension, allowing users to view and manage links associated with a specific domain. This tool is crucial for quick access to and management of domain-specific links.

8. My Work

A dashboard showing the user's progress chart, link statistics, and available actions based on their role. This personal dashboard is key for users to track their own performance and tasks.

9. Profile settings

Where users can update their personal information like name, email, and password. Keeping this information up-to-date is important for maintaining secure and accurate user profiles.

10. Settings

Admin-exclusive settings for managing the overall account configuration. This section is essential for admins to control and customize the platform settings.

  • Subscription: Details about the different subscription packages offered by Base, including features and limits for each package. Understanding these options is important for choosing the right package for the user's needs.

  • Blacklist: A feature for adding domains to a blacklist to prevent links from appearing on them. This tool is crucial for maintaining the quality and relevance of link-building efforts.

  • Spam: A page for setting spam factors and corresponding values at the account level. This feature is important for managing the risk of spam and ensuring the quality of links.

  • Role Settings: Admin-specific settings to determine the visibility of columns and filters for different user roles. This feature is key for customizing the user experience and ensuring that users have access to the necessary information.

  • Integrations: Displays available integrations for the Base account, such as with Ahrefs for additional link metrics. This section is vital for enhancing the platform's capabilities through external data sources.

  • Custom Fields: Allows admins to add up to five custom fields for further use in filtering and viewing links. This feature provides flexibility and customization in managing link data.

11. Merge

Enables merging of clients or tags, consolidating links under selected existing clients or tags. This operation is irreversible and is crucial for maintaining a clean and organized database.

  • Merge clients: Allows merging of one or more clients into a selected existing client, transferring all their links to the selected client.

  • Merge tags: Deletes all tags from the "Tags to merge" field and replaces them with a tag from the "Tag into which to merge" field, automatically assigning it to all links of the previous tag.

12. Help

  • Directs users to a database of help texts and support resources. This section is essential for providing users with guidance and assistance in using the platform.



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